Here we list our site stats and how many people we’ve helped find a job and companies have found recruits. It's a pretty awesome stats area!
Divine Connections Recruitment Services is a permanent and interim contract recruitment consultancy firm providing complete recruitment solutions, sourcing and supplying quality and experienced staff to our clients.
At Divine Connections we passionately believe that every company has different needs. We therefore treat each recruitment project on an individual basis, with the overall objective of adding value to your business.
Management’s recognition of employee job performance is one of the ways that organizations use to keep employees satisfied and engaged.
Employees may feel more committed to their organization if they
Most organizations consider the experience of their customers very carefully. They focus on the interactions that they have with them and the journey the customer takes throughout each of those
The most successful job-seekers have a long-term career strategy developed with smaller short-term goals to assist them in achieving a long-term goal.Your most basic goal may be to simply find a new